Julia Klischies
Snack attack: the impacts of calories in treats
Snacking products represent the fastest-growing segment in the pet food market – but do they come at a cost to pet health?
Feed additives: the complex re-evaluation process in the EU
The approval process for feed additives has undergone major change, resulting both in significant costs and increased workload.
It’s not just about quantity: weight control and pet food
When it comes to controlling obesity in pets, there’s a need to focus more on the energy density and nutrients of specific diets rather than just seeking to reduce feeding volume.
Preserving pet food – safety and regulations
There is a growing trend in consumer demand for natural and minimal-ingredient pet foods, in a desire to avoid preservatives. So how safe are these common additives?
Vegan pet food: the key to sustainability?
The herbivore lifestyle is on everybody’s lips, and it’s an important topic in pet nutrition. Let’s dive into where this category is heading.
Lights and shadows behind weight control
Feeding smaller rations may seem like the easy solution to make overweight pets fitter, but it can result in life-threatening conditions.
Ancient grains versus grain-free diets
Some ingredients that are often regarded as unhealthy or the cause of allergies can have positive nutritional and fiber value for pets.