Chinese Company That Cloned A Pet Cat Now Wants To Clone The Pet’s Memory Too!
Garlic looks like the original cat he was created from – a British Shorthair fluff ball with grey ears and a pink nose. Although both of them have the same features, they do not share memories and personality. The clone is its own individual with a unique personality and characteristic behaviors even though the physical features are the same. As reported by Global Times, the cat’s owner, Huang Yu said that his cat that died of urinary tract disease and he decided to clone him because he was very special and unforgettable.
The company is thinking of using AI to overcome the differences of personality by transferring the memories and consciousness of the original, to the clone, as explained by Sinogene’s General Manager at a press conference. Even if it is possible or not to transfer memories, the undertaking is a sign that the demand for a ‘perfect’ copy of deceased pets exists.
The process to clone a cat will cost about 250,000 yuan (€32,000) while the process to clone a dog is expected to cost 380,000 yuan (€48,000). While Garlic is expected to have a normal lifespan by the company, it has been brought up that clones have shorter life spans and are unhealthy, compared to the original. The subject has been a question of ethics and if it affects the lives of countless pets that do not have homes.
The company is also looking to clone endangered species, in an attempt to save them from extinction but, it would mean that they would have to find a for interspecies-cloning to work.