Insight is the answer

Insight is the answer

Public inquiry

The best business is honest business. It is that simple.

Play by the rules, meet expectations and be as good as your word. But many companies are unable to guarantee the quality of their business. They lack the time and the knowledge to conduct thorough research and lack the experience in international sourcing and procurement to make trustworthy transactions. The incessant consumer pressure on health, sustainability and ethical entrepreneurship makes pet food producers vulnerable in the process. With business operations under fierce scrutiny, the threat of damage to reputations is imminent. And since public enquiry is only expected to grow stronger, uncertainty is mounting too.

Serving reassurance

Consumers demand products they can trust. Offering insight into your business operations is one of the most effective strategies to win consumer trust. In fact, I believe it is the only way. But producers can only offer transparency if they themselves know exactly what and whom they are dealing with. IQI has spent a good deal of the past 26 years establishing excellent relations with differing partners all over the world. We know our producers and their products through and through – the production process holds no secrets for us. Our efforts to monitor and control the supply chain are summed up in a Quality Passport, with which we are serving our customers reassurance. No matter how exotic the ingredient, no matter how discerning the consumer – with clear insight, pet food producers can in all honesty conduct good business.

Considerable advantage 

Pet food producers are better off buying claim ingredients through specialized intermediaries. Good sourcing partners not only offer access to the best raw materials, they also offer valuable insights in the origin and integrity of the product. In today’s world those insights are selling arguments, but just imagine their worth if the trend continues. After pushing brands to critically examine the quality of their products, consumers may soon want to check it out themselves. A QR code on the packaging detailing the entire production process would then give you a considerable advantage. Information is everything, you’d better have it to hand.