Inspired Pet Nutrition is carbon negative

Inspired Pet Nutrition is carbon negative

As part of its ‘Positive Pawprint’ project, the UK pet food manufacturer announces it is now carbon negative.

Chairman Richard Page said: “Lots of companies are now promising to address climate change in the coming years, which is good to see – but we didn’t want to set a distant future pledge for something that could be done today.

“Sustainability isn’t new to us, it’s part of our DNA as we’ve always tried to make the right choices for people, pets and the planet and led the way when we launched Harringtons into compostable bags back in 2008.”

IPN has off set each of their employees’ annual carbon outputs and are also planting a native British tree on behalf of everyone at IPN as part of their target of planting 1 million trees across the UK.

Other environmental goals in the project include using recycled packaging and green energy. They’ve also secured Investors in the Environment Green Accreditation.