Making sustainability a reality
The Pet Sustainability Coalition (PSC) announces a 2020 return-to-retail packaging pilot to reduce landfill waste and deliver sustainable solutions to the pet industry.
The problem at hand
Based on research, PSC estimates that 136 million kilograms of plastic pet food and treats bags are generated in the US each year. Nearly all of these bags are made by co-extruding and laminating multiple layers of film plastics into a multilayer structure, and it is nearly impossible to separate the layers with the current state of recycling technology. Furthermore, the cost of recycling is more than the value of the material. As a result, it is estimated that 99% of pet food bags in the US are put into landfill rather than recycled.
Some progress
A handful of brands have established recycling options. These involve their own brands of bags being returned by mail, or dropped off at select retail outlets, and then sent to TerraCycle for recycling.
Alternatively, some bag manufacturers have begun to offer ‘recycle-ready’ bags that are considered to be recyclable in a polyethylene stream, although these bags only have a small percentage of the market.
The proposed solution
PSC plans to implement a return-to-retail pilot programme that brings together consumers, retailers, distributors and recyclers to achieve the following:
- Provide a recycling solution for all pet brands using multi-laminate flexible packaging
- Educate retailers and evaluate participation interest and engagement from pet retailers and consumers
- Collect data on collection quantities that can be expected for each retail store
- Quantify collection and recycling programme costs
- Model reverse logistics within the pet distribution channel to support expansion beyond the pilot
- Provide a supply of collected pet food and treats bags to prospective recyclers and recoverers so that they can test and evaluate the suitability of this stream of materials for their equipment and markets can be expanded
Goals of the return-to-retail programme
PSC offers the return-to-retail programme throughout 2020 to more than 400 retailers in the US. The Coalition aims to collect a total of 2,270 kilograms of post-consumer plastic packaging over an active collection period of three months. Consumer participation is estimated at a 5% return rate. This matches current consumer participation in other return-to-retail programmes. After collection ends, the packaging will be shipped from a distribution centre to a recycler