David Primrose

Is a new era beckoning for meat analogs?

Is a new era beckoning for meat analogs?

Interest in creating meat-like textures with plant proteins is on the rise again. Is there a place for next-generation meat analogs?

Pet Food
20 Mar 2022
Should alternative proteins be part of wet pet food formulations?

Should alternative proteins be part of wet pet food formulations?

The interest in developing alternative and more sustainable protein sources is soaring, also for pet food.

21 Jan 2022
How to beat food fraud

How to beat food fraud

To satisfy 21st-century pet owners’ needs, the pet food market operates globally with international trade in raw materials and pet food. Sadly, the resulting supply network complexity can facilitate opportunities for economic crime like food fraud.

Global Pet Industry
8 Oct 2021
Alternative proteins: A bowlful of opportunities and challenges

Alternative proteins: A bowlful of opportunities and challenges

Alternative proteins are a solution to the ‘protein gap’ but implementing them in pet foods is not without its challenges. Food neophobia is one of them.

1 Sep 2021
Alternative proteins – does the pet food industry really need them?

Alternative proteins – does the pet food industry really need them?

With a growing world population will there be enough proteins to continue providing for pets?

Pet Food
22 May 2019
Sustainability through design – the big picture

Sustainability through design – the big picture

Squaring the circle of pets in society will require widespread cooperation to ensure a sustainable future. Is the industry up to the challenge?

29 Mar 2019
It´s all about texture

It´s all about texture

What signals super-premium quality to demanding pet owners choosing pet food for their pets? Texture is key. 

Pet Food
29 Mar 2019
Growing your business through niche nutrition

Growing your business through niche nutrition

Niche pet foods are hot, but not without risk. Are you agile and fit enough to thrive in this rapidly evolving market place?

Pet Food
7 Feb 2019
Where is the venison?

Where is the venison?

Boutique pet food is the latest marketing buzzword but, with novel ingredients like deer meat, is it a healthier option or an increased risk?

Pet Food
3 Oct 2018
How does your data flow?

How does your data flow?

Data is flowing everywhere all around us. But is it supporting quality of life for us and our pets, or a threat?

Trends & Insights
28 Aug 2018
Back to the future with botanicals

Back to the future with botanicals

Ancient ingredients with ancient challenges, botanicals require a modern approach to ensuring consumer trust.

23 May 2018
Ensuring quality as well as quantity of protein raw materials

Ensuring quality as well as quantity of protein raw materials

In the rush to bring to market more sustainable protein sources, attention to specifications for purchasing and quality assurance is key. 

3 Apr 2018
Pushing the boundaries of pet nutrition to improve our pets health

Pushing the boundaries of pet nutrition to improve our pets health

Combining nutritional sciences and genomics, nutrigenomics helps us better understand the impact of the food we and our pets eat on our health.

14 Feb 2018
Balancing innovation, sustainability and food fraud

Balancing innovation, sustainability and food fraud

The global pet food industry operates in a world of change, where nothing is constant. Change brings both beneficial and negative outcomes.

Trends & Insights
18 Jan 2018
Supplier management and sustainability

Supplier management and sustainability

The evolved supplier-buyer relationship, based on partnership, offers greater scope for sustainability. Mutual benefit is the keystone.

Production & Packaging
20 Nov 2017
Raw materials testing

Raw materials testing

Which lens do you view raw material testing through? Is it an avoidable expense or a strategic management tool for developing a sustainable business?

Pet Food
13 Oct 2017
Sustainable and responsible pet ownership

Sustainable and responsible pet ownership

Balancing the benefits of pets in society with sustainable, responsible pet ownership and care is a responsibility, not only of pet owners, but of a variety of stakeholders such as veterinarians, pet food producers, governments and educators.

Trends & Insights
6 Sep 2017
Food fraud and vulnerability

Food fraud and vulnerability

Pet food is vulnerable to fraud. But standards of both food safety control and food fraud prevention are being raised.

Pet Food
31 May 2017
Quality food

Quality food

What is physical testing of dry pet food and why bother?

Pet Food
22 Feb 2017
Exploring the boundaries: Pet food, it is only animal feed. Or is it?

Exploring the boundaries: Pet food, it is only animal feed. Or is it?

David Primrose, founder of Synergy Food Ingredients, will present his paper on the difference between animal feed and pet food at PETSConnect Asia this year.


17 Oct 2016
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