Nowadays we are manufacturer, importer and exporter specialized in accessories for birds, bird breeding and aviaries. Since 2014 we also develop wild bird feeders and nestboxes under the brand SingingFriend. A mix of functionality and elegance. In this way we connect design with nature. Proudly designed and manufactured in Holland. Besides a passion for birds we have a passion to cooperate with customers. We are happy to help you!
About us
Fauna is a Dutch manufacturing family company. All our products of ‘new’ and ‘recycled’ plastics are made in Holland.
We are bird specialists since 1951.
Our innovations have 3 key values: design, easy to use and multi functionality.
Our customers are: Wholesalers, Pet shop chains, Garden centres, DIY chains, Supermarkets and lifestyle shops all over the world.
We offer Private label as well.
Fauna was founded in 1951 by Jan Mutsaers. We first started with trading birds and in 1977 Ad Mutsaers was the 2ndgeneration. He started the production of accessories for small birds like cages, perches, feeding cups etc.
In 2005 we have taken over a factory which was also a manufacturer of bird accessories.
In the same year I, Jeroen Mutsaers, came into the family company as the 3rdgeneration and nowadays I run it together with my Sister in law.
In 2014 we launched the brand ‘SingingFriend’. All our bird knowledge we use in these products. All products are one of a kind and totally different from all other feeders and nest boxes.
2018 we started with production of wild bird feeders made of recycled beverage packagings. In this way we will help reduce the plastic waste in the world.
Our future
Develop and manufacter many more (wild) bird products of this recycled beverage packagings to reduce plastic waste!
Bird (breeding) products
Under the brand ‘Fauna’ we manufacter, import and export accessories for birds and bird breeding. Products which are made of plastic, wood, metal wire etc.
Cages and carriers as an assembly kit
Feeding products
Bird rings
For a complete range check our website.