Do pet-friendly policies contribute to higher employee satisfaction?
A recent survey of HR professionals reveals their critical role in recruiting new talent.
Cohen Research Group surveyed more than 1,000 human resources (HR) professionals on behalf of PetPartners and the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) to identify perceptions of pet insurance benefits across the US and Canada.
Human resources professionals shared that over half (53%) of company employees were pet owners. Those working at companies offering pet insurance benefits (84%) are more satisfied with their jobs than those at workplaces that don’t (78%).
Furthermore, 8 in 10 HR professionals agreed that pet-friendly policies are instrumental in recruiting and retaining talent.
Pet insurance as an employee benefit
The survey was conducted between 22 February and 7 March and found that more than half of respondents were more likely to discuss the health benefits of owning pets with friends (almost two-thirds) and family (58%) than with people in their workplaces.
They were more inclined to speak to their colleagues (45%) about this than company leadership (less than 1 in 5 employees).
Yet, 87% of HR professionals agreed that offering pet insurance is a good way to show the company’s dedication to its employees and their families. This number rises to 91% for senior staff.
HR professionals most recognized the benefits of pet ownership among three-quarters of Gen X employees, followed by 1 in 7 Millennials, 63% of Baby Boomers, and 61% of Gen Z employees.
Over 8 in 10 senior managers were more supportive of pet insurance benefits than middle management (76%).
Mental health
A majority of respondents (82%) experienced firsthand the mental health benefits of pet ownership in the workplace.
As much as 96% admitted pet ownership improved their health, 4 in 10 saw improvement in their mental well-being, and only 9%, their physical health.