Majority of Brits are unaware of the ingredients in their pets’ food

Majority of Brits are unaware of the ingredients in their pets’ food

Pet owners in Northern Ireland and London show the highest level of awareness. GlobalPETS unveils the detailed findings of a new survey.

Nearly three-quarters, or 74%, of respondents reported being unaware of the ingredients in their pets’ food.

Pet parents in Northern Ireland (40%) and London (37%) displayed the highest awareness, according to a survey commissioned by pet food company Bella & Duke. 

Pet parents in Wales (20%) were the least aware. Respondents from Yorkshire and the Humber, Scotland and the East Midlands (21% each) followed.

The research, carried out by market research company OnePoll to 2,000 British adults in February 2024, also found that 28% of respondents believed that pet food labeling is unclear. In Northern Ireland, this sentiment was even higher at 33%.

Human-grade pet food

Half of the respondents agreed that pet food quality should match human food. Londoners (58%), Scottish and West Midlanders (54% each) agreed the most with this sentiment.

Almost two-thirds (63%) of the surveyed pool reported feeding their pets the “best food and nutrition” for the “happiest and healthiest life,” spending an average of £45.16 ($57.4/€52.9) per month.

However, 17% reported confusion about what food is best for their pets, with Londoners (27%) and Welsh pet parents (22%) being the most confused.

Feeding unhealthy foods

Bella & Duke identified several foods that may cause health issues and reported the percentage of pet owners who use them.

According to the findings, 86% of respondents to the survey fed their pets gravy, 63% treated their pets to lactose-high cheese, 50% offered their pets onions, and 49% gave raisins and grapes to their furry friends.

Londoners displayed the lowest use of the foods mentioned above apart from gravy, where they were the third-highest group after residents from the East of England and the North East.