Richard Lamb

Successful social media marketing

Successful social media marketing

During the early days of the internet at the beginning of the nineties, the network was just text-based and purely scientific. These days it is a global network, connecting people through images, text and sound on any and every topic imaginable.

Business Optimization
12 Oct 2017
Patenting pet products

Patenting pet products

The internet has made the world ‘transparent’. This is one reason why reverse engineering is becoming a piece of cake.

Business Optimization
6 Sep 2017
Trending topics

Trending topics

Global and regional trends should be the starting point for every business. Which current trends can be relevant for your company’s mission, strategy and core values?

Trends & Insights
31 May 2017
Fabricated Pet Prints

Fabricated Pet Prints

Photos of our beloved – and sometimes deceased – pets can be a valuable memory and moral support. For pet owners who prefer a more tangible memory, but are not keen on having a stuffed pet in their living room, there is the 3D solution. 

Trends & Insights
13 Apr 2017
Future fear?

Future fear?

The theme of the GlobalPets Forum 2017, held this year in Warsaw, Poland, was ‘the nature of pet business’. In relation to this topic, Trend Strategist and Futurist Richard Lamb, managing partner at Future Agency, sketches today’s fast-changing world and how the pet business can adapt to it in a proactive way.

Trends & Insights
22 Feb 2017
Transparent sourcing

Transparent sourcing

In the current information age, transparency has left its mark on several industries. What are the positive and negative effects on sourcing in the pet retail industry?


3 May 2016


24 Mar 2016
Connecting pets

Connecting pets

We are heading for a holistic world in which every object is connected with its environment. We take a look at the opportunities that arise from this development.

24 Mar 2016
Booming online sales

Booming online sales

How serious should we take the online sales of pet products? How are the online growth rates and how do they influence high-street pet shops?

26 Nov 2015

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