Terms of use

The internet services and websites of InterMedium Publishers BV (IMP) are made available to you under the following terms and conditions. By using the internet services and websites you (the ‘user’) are deemed to have accepted this disclaimer and the terms of use.

All rights to the contents of the internet services and websites of IMP or its trade names are vested in IMP, in so far as these rights are not vested in third parties whose material has been made available on the internet services and websites of IMP.

IMP reserves the copyright to the contents of the internet services and websites.

The user acknowledges the proprietary rights and intellectual property rights, inclusive of data base rights, of IMP and its suppliers to the contents of the internet services and websites of IMP, both in its entirety and parts thereof, and/or included in all information that is demonstrably based thereupon and/or derived therefrom, notwithstanding whether such information based thereupon and/or derived therefrom is (also) the product of processing, improvement or adaptation by another party not being IMP and/or its suppliers.

The user may consult and use the contents of the internet services and websites of IMP only for personal use.

The user is not allowed to disclose, reproduce or sell the information obtained from the internet services and websites of IMP on a non-incidental basis, in whatever form, including, whether or not after processing, to integrate this information in networks or to show it or have it appear on various computer screens or to otherwise disclose this information.

The processing of the data on the internet services and websites of IMP and the establishment thereof was performed to the best of knowledge and with the utmost care. However, neither IMP nor its suppliers can guarantee the correctness and the completeness of the information that has been saved on the internet services and websites of IMP and therefore, with the exception of intent or gross negligence on the part of IMP and/or its suppliers, they are not liable for damage occurred as a result of incorrectness, incompleteness or unlawfulness of the contents of the information offered via the internet services and websites of IMP. IMP is not responsible for the contents of the material which is placed on the website or through the website by third parties. The party that has supplied this material is responsible for the contents thereof. The user must always verify the correctness of the information that is of essential interest to the user. IMP is not liable if the user cannot access the internet services and websites of IMP or if these internet services and websites are not available as a result of an interruption.

The following terms and conditions apply to each and every use of the internet services and websites of IMP. When you use these internet services and websites you must:

act in accordance with all applicable statutory provisions;
comply with all applicable codes of conduct; and
comply with instructions that we may provide.

You must refrain from the following activities:

use of the internet services and websites in a manner that is detrimental to IMP or to its affiliated companies, its customers, other users of its internet services and websites or third parties;
sending unwanted messages of a commercial nature (‘spam’) to persons whose email address you have obtained through the internet services and websites of IMP;
altering, damaging, disconnecting, overloading, hindering or obstructing the use of the internet services and websites of IMP; •    threatening, insulting, discriminating or hindering others;
supply of material or messages which are or may be interpreted to be intentionally incorrect, threatening, insulting, discriminating, intimidating, unlawful, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, humiliating, misleading or fraudulent, or that contain explicit or graphical descriptions of sexual acts, or that infringe the privacy of others; and
distribution of viruses or other files that contain harmful components.

Any material or contributions you may send to the internet services and websites of IMP will be deemed not to be confidential. By sending this material or contributions to the IMP internet services and websites you grant IMP an unrestricted, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully sub-licensable right to use this material and contributions for this and other websites, to publish, modify, translate, remove (whether or not at the request of third parties) this material and contributions, to publish your name in connection thereto and to disclose your data to third parties if IMP, in its reasonable opinion, is obligated to do so. You guarantee that you are authorized to grant such permission to IMP with regard to all material and contributions you have submitted and you shall indemnify IMP against all third-party claims in this respect.

Any images or other copyrighted material used in articles or submissions sponsored by clients, fall under the responsibilities of that client. The client is responsible for acquiring the appropriate approvals to use this material. IMP can in no circumstance be held liable for misuse of said copyrighted material.

IMP’s Privacy Statement applies to the use of its internet services and websites.

IMP respects the rights and intellectual property rights of third parties, and expects the same from the users of its internet services and websites. If you believe that your rights are being infringed, you are requested to provide IMP with the following information:

your address, telephone number and email address:
– a description of the work protected by copyright or any other right which you believe is being infringed;
– a description of the location of the allegedly infringing material;
– a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized;
– a statement by you that the information submitted by you is accurate and that you are authorized to act; and
your signature and a copy of your proof of identity.

You can send the information to: 

InterMedium Publishers BV
Newtonstraat 3
1098GX Amsterdam
The Netherlands 