Innovations: Litter
SoftCat Yucca – the new star in the SoftCat family
Schulze Heimtierbedarf GmbH (Germany)
Natural Cat Litter: the planet-friendly plant-based litter
Almo Nature (Italy)
Hassle-free solution for controlling cat litter odors
Litter Genie (US - Canada)
BeNatural, tofu cat litter
Rinaldo Franco Spa (Italy)
La ToiLET flushable cat litter
Farm Company Srl (Italy)
The Best Natural Cat Litter
Schulze Heimtierbedarf GmbH (Germany)
Finotrato Bio-Litter
VB Alimentos (Brazil)
CAT LEADER® new varieties
The ECO line
Croci (Italy)
WeVegetal: the corn cat litter
Rinaldo Franco Spa (Italy)