Pet Sustainability Coalition launched in Europe

GlobalPETS | Pet Sustainability Coalition launched in Europe

At Zoomark 2019 the Pet Sustainability Colation (PSC) launched officially their concept to the European market. Meanwhile, there are 20 European PSC members. During the launch PSC introduced:

  • the Postive Impact Program, a program for members and non-members, however, for those who consider becoming member, the tool allows the company to analyze where improvements can be made. 
  • They informed the market to work also on a retail approach
  • PSC and PETS International shared the outcome of a survey of European pet parents and their view on sustainability. Details will be communicated in the coming period. However, the outcome is evident; pet parents have a high need for sustainable products. 
  • Moderna shared the benefits of their PSC membership. It is inspiring to work with, it brings a lot of new initiatives in the company and to the market.

For further information, click here.