How do consumers think about soy for their pets?

How do consumers think about soy for their pets?

ADM investigated whether consumer perception about soy has changed after being a less popular ingredient in the pet industry for decades.

When asked what their attitude towards soy-based ingredients for pets, 65% of consumers were open-minded. 15% of consumers are actively looking for food that contains soy for the cats or dogs.

With more consumers adapting flexitarian, vegetarian or even vegan lifestyles, this shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Interesting findings

  • There were some regional differences in the responses of consumers. Pet owners on the east and west coasts and southwest regions of the US had a more positive attitude towards soy.
  • Also, consumers that regularly buy super-premium pet food brands were more opinionated about it, as greater percentages of this group either specifically avoid or seek soy in their pet’s food. However, two-thirds of these super-premium brand shoppers are open to the idea of pet food that contains soy.

The study findings are based on responses from 4,381 consumers that represent dog and cat owners across the United States.